28 February 2013
26 February 2013
A special gift, MassBody and 4NTEP Sponsors Google Devfest
Since we know that software development is one of the stressful jobs, we have brought to you a special sponsor to make you a little more relaxed during the hackathon.
Introducing the finest massage schools in Lisbon area MassBody and 4NTEP. They will cover all your relaxation needs during the second day of the event.
Discover all information about their awesome massages on their websites: www.massbody.pt and www.4ntep.pt
Hugo Tavares will be on Google DevFest!
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce Hugo Taveres as a Google DevFest Speaker!
Hugo Tavares is a computer science Engineer that works in IT for 11 years mainly on the infrastructure side mixing systems, networking and datacenters. Being actually the CTO of Lunacloud, the last years were focused on the virtualization technology deploying high scalable and eficient cloud infrastructures to support the demands of the applications.
25 February 2013
DevFest Welcome Party with Women in Engineering and BEST
Google Developer Group Portugal in cooperation with Women in Engineering and BEST to provide a Welcome Party for Google Dev Fest participants!
The party will start at 18:00h Thrusday 28 February with a huge BBQ!
Be sure to attend event and Check In with Party Mode ON there will be prizes for those who activate party mode brought by Google Student Ambassador
Party Mode: http://youtu.be/uwMdqxJznMs
Google for Students @ Portugal: gplus.to/gspt
16th Speaker of DevFest Portugal: Diogo Ferreira
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the 16th speaker of Google DevFest, Diogo Ferreira!
Diogo is a software engineer who works with many different technologies such as Mobile Applications and Real-Time Event Processing.
He contributes to several open-source projects such as CyanogenMod and Compiz and is a co-author of the Handy Scanner Android application.
His research interests are: real-time event processing, distributed systems and mobile computing grids.
In Google Dev Fest he will present a talk on Advanced Android Programming.
He contributes to several open-source projects such as CyanogenMod and Compiz and is a co-author of the Handy Scanner Android application.
His research interests are: real-time event processing, distributed systems and mobile computing grids.
In Google Dev Fest he will present a talk on Advanced Android Programming.
Check the full list of speakers here
23 February 2013
We Want Hacks!
What you do in a Hackathon, hack right? We are looking forward to see what cames up from our 200 top developers, there will be lots of prizes, what is the judging criteria? Dazzle us! A lib, an App, a 'fart app', and hack, fun, talented, technical, show us something that will delight us and you can count on prizes! The only rule? You have to use technology Google related. At 18:00h Saturday, you will have the opportunity to present what you developed and convince the juri that you deserve to win!
Here are some ideas we tailored for you:
Speakers Ranking System based on Google+ Hashtags
Use Google+ API to develop a ranking system that everyone can share comments and rank a speaker using the talk Hashtag
Dev Reference Links
Create a web editable repo of reference links for devs, that can be tailored by everyone with ranking, tagging and most relevant
YT-NTE (Youtube - No Time to Explain)
Create a search mechanism where one can search for a feeling, object, action (laugh, table, sky) and say how much time he has to spend watching a video about or that makes the user feel like that
Remember you are free to create whatever you want!
Google DevfestW
Our team believes in the diversity and inclusion for a creation of a more vibrant community.
To focus on women inclusion is the first step in a larger effort to diversify the global Google Developer Community.
So we here at GDG Portugal are also happy to announce that this DevFest will have its ambivalence in being a DevfestW also, specially during the next activities organized specifically by the women of our team.
Saturday, 2nd of March
- 3PM - Guest Speakers and Participants Reception
- 3PM - Presentation of GDGW, Women in Engineering and Portugal Girls Geek Dinner.
- 4:30PM - Break
- 5PM - Google Girls Photo Time
- Rest of the event - Free time, participation in other activities.
Have a great time in a better company.
Unilever sponsors Devfest with Cafe Zero

Unilever understands every Developers need, so they have agreed to sponsor us with Café Zero, a new type of ice cold coffee which gives you the power you need to transform energy into code.
Discover more about cafe zero here.
JetBrains will be on Google DevFest as Bronze Sponsor
GDG Portugal is proud to announce that JetBrains is one of DevFest Bronze Sponsors
JetBrains creates the best IDE for various software languages like Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, java, .net and more!
You can get all the tools on their website http://www.jetbrains.com/
O'Reilly is present on DevFest
It's a pleasure to announce that O'Reilly is going to be present at Google DevFest as Bronze Sponsor

O'Reilly is a distinguished brand of reference of knowledge for developers, enthusiasts and tinkers!
There is going to be lot's of prizes from O'Reilly to our dear developers!
Registrations Closed - Please Hold
Dear Google Enthusiasts,
Right now we have closed the registration process, and from now on you will receive e-mails inviting you for the DevFest on 1st and 2nd of March.
If the answer is positive, please confirm that you are definitely in, if you do not confirm until Wednesday 27th we will give your place to some other great developer.
If it's negative, improve your pitch, improve your coding, share more on your Google Code or Github accounts, don't give up, this is the first of many events, and we really want to have you on the team.
Until the e-mail arrives, please go and get yourself a Google Glass over here.
20 February 2013
Taking Web Apps Offline by our 15th speaker - Pedro Morais
Pedro is a Software Engineer that has been dreaming and building products for many years. He helped build Cube Anywhere, a project cost tracking for SMEs, and Weddar, the social weather app.
He also helped build a machine that welds ship platings, and the control apparatus for an electric motor dynamometer.
Other than that, Pedro is also an author - he published a Python book in the early 2000s. Currently, he is Mobizy's CTO and develops software for various mobile platforms.
You can follow him on Twitter at @pedromorais and app.net at @morais.
19 February 2013
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the fourteenth speaker of Google DevFest, Luís Reis!
Luís is a full-stack engineer, having made his way through database optimization, architecture, and front-end code as much as plugging wires onto arduinos and raspberry pies and managing scrum teams. Currently going through big data and visualization stuff, and, on the after hours coding optimized graphics on the raspberry pi.
One of the organizers of LXJS 2012, the first javascript conference in Portugal. Self-learner, always feeling like a noob and trying to know more.
Luís brings us a Hardcore session about Google Chrome V8 Javascript Engine, troubleshooting, memory leaks, profiling, you name it!
Check the updated Schedule here!
Caixa Mágica supports DevFest as a Gold Sponsor
We are pleasured to announce Caixa Mágica as Google Dev Fest Gold Sponsor!
One of the most prominent startups of ISCTE-IUL is Caixa Magica, which makes an awesome linux distro based on Ubuntu and which had another great software spinoff called Aptoide, which you can discover here.
They have agreed to sponsor our event, in which one of our main prizes will be given by them personally!
And it only gets better, they have arranged, not one, not two, but three workshops in the Android Development, Android User Interface and User Interaction and Growth Hacking in Android Space, by the following speakers.
"Aptoide: how to grow in the Android space"
Paulo Trezentos
"Simple and usable: User Interface and Interaction Design for Android"
Teresa Deus
"Designing for performance: the Aptoide Challenge"
Rui Mateus
"Designing for performance: the Aptoide Challenge"
Rui Mateus
Check the updated Schedule here!
LunaCloud supports DevFest as Main Sponsors
We are pleasured to announce LunaCloud as Google Dev Fest Main Sponsor!
Lunacloud is a provider that not only delivers real cloud services that meet all the essential characteristics of Cloud Computing but strives to exceed your expectations by being technologically advanced and design mindful, delivering powerful and flexible cloud compute & storage services at the best value.
LunaCloud will be present in the event, showing us how developers can get their apps into the Cloud and how to use their innovative service, MongoDB as a Service!
Check the updated Schedule here!
8th Speaker of DevFest Portugal: Pedro Veloso
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the eight speaker of Google DevFest, Pedro Veloso!
Pedro is an all-around tech enthusiast. In the last few years focused more on open-source tools and solutions, which is why Android caught his eye since the early beginnings of the platform. Nowadays works on designing mobile solutions at EmergeIT, and at the same time contributes back to the community as a manager at the Portuguese Android Community and also a participating member of other Android-related activities from source contributions to various open source projects and as an occasional speaker at a variety yearly technological events.
His talk will focus on Multithreading programming in Android.
Check the full list of speakers here
12 February 2013
Netmust supports Google DevFest Portugal as a Gold Sponsor!
We would like to thank NetMust for being our first Gold Sponsor!

Netmust is a young and dynamic company, with a strong technological background, that was created early 2012 in the academic community. It is the result of a very close cooperation between research and development processes and the will of its members of converting that R&D into innovative products and business models for the global market. Netmust's know-how is centered in new mobile technologies and the Internet and range from proprietary to open-source solutions that are developed to solve the needs of every client.
Their creative process is based on multi-disciplinary teamwork, allowing the conception and integrated design of your digital presence, and the development of custom software in order to fulfill the customer's specific needs. Despite their short history, Netmust has already been awarded with a Honorable Mention in the contest ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship of 2011/2012, in the area of IT & Web.
Web-page: http://www.netmust.eu
Telephone:+351 966 820 668
E-mail: geral@netmust.eu
Twitter: @netmust_
Facebook: click here
Google+: click here
11 February 2013
7th Speaker of DevFest Portugal: Beatriz Oliveira
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the seventh speaker of Google DevFest, Beatriz Oliveira!
With over 10 years experience in website development, Beatriz is the responsible for Bind, one of the most well known companies in skin development in Portugal. She introduced the concept of "skin tuning" with the development of an online tool for the customization of skins in a WYSIWYG environment.
With over 10 years experience in website development, Beatriz is the responsible for Bind, one of the most well known companies in skin development in Portugal. She introduced the concept of "skin tuning" with the development of an online tool for the customization of skins in a WYSIWYG environment.
Previously she was one of the founders of CentralBiz, a portuguese development company, where along 4 years she was the creative director in such diverse areas as Banking, Marketplaces, Government, Industry, HR, Commerce, Transportation, amongst others, participating in projects of Content Management, Document Management, Intranets/Extranets, eCommerce, App integration and others.
She was also an Ernst&Young consultant at the beginning of her career. Graduated in IT Engineering and post-graduated in Design and Communication. She is also a Microsoft Certified Professional. Her workshop will focus on Responsive Design and Mobile Templates.
Check the full list of speakers here
10 February 2013
You've Got Mail
After about 400 personal pitches and Google Code and github accounts we have selected the first batch, we never expected such a great passion in presenting yourself and your work, we hope we can count on this during all of our events.
100 of you are really lucky today, but if you're checking your e-mail and still didn't see our messages please hold, because in a week we will select another batch.
Happy Hacking!
05 February 2013
6th Speaker of DevFest Portugal: Andreia Gaita
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the sixth speaker of Google DevFest, Andreia Gaita!
Andreia Gaita is a member of the Mono project team, works at Unity and hails from the sunny city of Lisbon, Portugal. For the past 14 years she has been involved in the development of applications, services and libraries that deal with interoperability, cross-platform and the web.
For the last six she has been working on several different areas of the Mono project, from implementing Moonlight, Winforms and gluezilla to improving C++ support, embedding browser engines and bindings. The last year was spent doing Mono on the mobile, particularly Mono for Android, with OpenGL bindings, build systems and memory leak fixes sprinkled on top. Currently, she's moved to Unity and is busy working on game development, which will be the focus of her workshop.
For the last six she has been working on several different areas of the Mono project, from implementing Moonlight, Winforms and gluezilla to improving C++ support, embedding browser engines and bindings. The last year was spent doing Mono on the mobile, particularly Mono for Android, with OpenGL bindings, build systems and memory leak fixes sprinkled on top. Currently, she's moved to Unity and is busy working on game development, which will be the focus of her workshop.
Check the full list of speakers here
04 February 2013
Google DevFest
Hi Everyone!
In less that a month, Google DevFest 2013 will take place in ISCTE-IUL!
Are you already getting exciting ?! Because we are!!
We are preparing many surprises for you...
But wait!!! You are not registed yet? What are you waiting for ?!
We are almost closing our registration page... be quick!
On the 10th February, we are going to announce our first 100 participants!
Watch your Email box! Good news could appear!!
03 February 2013
5th Speaker of Google DevFest - André Albuquerque
Google Developer Group Portugal is proud to announce the fifth speaker of Google DevFest, André Albuquerque!
André Albuquerque is the Co-founder & Chief Evangelist at The Startup Scholarship, a unique summer program for outstanding future entrepreneurs.
He is also a Master business student majoring in Technology Entrepreneurship at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics.
Previously he worked at Google as Strategic Partnerships Intern both at European HQ in Dublin and Global HQ in California. In 2012 he won the Google Europe Ambassador program and was selected to the Business Associate Internship program at Google in 2011.
André will show us how Google is awesome!
Check the full list of speakers here
02 February 2013
Learn Dart FAST!
Always wanted to learn Dart but just can't find a huge chunk of free time? Learn Dart FAST in 5 mins videos!
Ep. 1: A Simple Dart Script
Welcome to Dart Tips, the video series that teaches you all about Dart. In our first episode, we show you a simple Dart script and get you comfortable with reading Dart code.
Ep. 2: Runtime Modes
Dart runs fast in production mode, and runs with type assertions in checked mode. Learn about Dart's two runtime modes and when to use each of them for maximum developer feedback and speed.
Ep. 3: Variables
Dart is optionally typed, so variables can have type annotations. You can also mark variables as final to ensure they will point to one and only one object. Watch this episode to learn more about variables in Dart.
Ep. 4: Strings, Numbers, Booleans, Oh My!
The trifecta of built-in types is strings, numbers, and booleans. Watch this episode to learn how to initialize them with literals, the difference between ints and doubles, and what is truthy and falsey in Dart.
Ep. 5: Collections In Dart
Dart comes with lists, queues, maps, and sets out of the box. Watch this episode to learn how to pick the right collection class for the job. Fun tip: did you know that the Dart language spec doesn't use the word 'array'?
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